Organizations of all sizes are transforming their business across a range of everyday processes. Electronic Signatures
For example, the processes requiring traditional paper contracts and legal documents are being digitized with the advancement of the electronic signature. The adoption of this technology is enabling important business documents to be signed and sent online—leading to better productivity, improved efficiency and workflow, and cost savings.

Electronic signature benefits include:
- A reduction in paper costs and storage
- Faster payments from customers
- Better security
- Improved customer experience
Customer experience (CX) is a customer’s perception of their interaction with your organization. It is formed by their customer journey, multiple brand touchpoints and each of the different iterations of your presence, such as customer support, apps, tools, sales pitches, marketing materials, etc.
So, it makes sense that by leveraging e-signature technology you can improve the time it takes for you to provide your customers with the service they want. Let’s look at how that might affect certain industries.
If you’re a bank, your customers can open an account ten times faster than before or improve loan application performance; if you are a manufacturer, your customers can approve an order which you can then ship on the same day. If you’re in sales, you don’t have to worry about losing leads in the time between closing a sale and getting the name on the dotted line.
Just send over the contract and get the deal closed in minutes.
Make Your Customer Experience Smoother
We are living in an increasingly digital world.
From the way we order a cab, book a restaurant or buy a book, our methods have moved to using digital means to get what we want and what we need done. And it also means that we have far greater choice in who we choose to buy our goods and services from. With more access to research and reviews we can make more informed decisions as customers. And that means as businesses we must be extra vigilant about how our brand is being represented across the many CX touchpoints that now exist.
Customer experience is important for many reasons, including:
- Improving customer satisfaction
- Building customer loyalty
- Creating better referrals
- Developing a competitive advantage
- Increasing revenue
- Strengthening customer relationships
Just like customer experience, our professional lives are no different in terms of our expectations when it comes to faster business processes. We are well accustomed to getting most of our work completed online, from anywhere, at flexible times, be it internal approvals to making a sale or resolving an issue.
Being able to complete almost any process digitally is now a business need-to-have rather than a like-to-have, for your employees as well as your customers. A contract signature shouldn’t be any different.
When it comes to improving business processes and customer experience, the most important aspects are always the same:
- Speed
- Agility
- Efficiency
A lot of the time what holds up faster processes is the paper trail and the delays it can bring. No matter which industry, a hold up can not only disrupt productivity and flow, but also reduce overall sales and damage customer loyalty.
Banks, for example, now deal with customers that can get almost everything they need through mobile and online banking. To ask those customers to physically sign certain documents means the process is put on hold until they can find time to make it to the bank, or the document has been mailed out to them and back again. Meanwhile, the rep who oversees the interaction with this customer must wait, update paper files, store files and find those files when the document finally arrives.
Accelerating Processes: Improving Customer Experience
Most business processes require approvals and most approvals require a signature. e-signature capabilities are a vital part of workflows regardless of what the business processes are.
Imagine the expediency of being able to send a contract for signature collection, getting a positive response and store it automatically in your SharePoint environment while simultaneously providing a copy for your customer, on the same day, without any manual input from a user.
Integrating electronic signature capabilities into your Nintex automated workflow solutions, such as Nintex Forms, transforms the capability of your workflows. Not only will enabling e-signature boost your internal processes—imagine the kind of workflows you could put together for onboarding your next hire—but it will also enhance your ability to improve customer satisfaction, create competitive advantage and increase revenue.
Nintex Forms is an intuitive and browser-based solution that seamlessly integrates into your workflows, immediately making them more sophisticated. You can extend forms and processes to third party users, such as your customers, and capture data that will allow you to do your job even better.